Guinevere Club
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I was honestly okay with the ending. Given the state of the world and perhaps the limitations of what can be fed to and received by the audience at this time. What a tear-jerker. Honestly... I feel like writers, in their humanity, found themselves in too deep. Like to be able to write something so epic and ecstatic as what was to come when Magic flowed freely in Camelot.... was too much for the writers to handle or too much for the audience at this time to "handle" or both.

In addition, I think the actors were done. The interviews with the actors always speak of 5 seasons, 5 years, nobody as...
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Hello all,

Well, we are in the fourth season of Merlin. For many of us there have been ups and downs, interesting episodes and great scenes as well as not so good episodes and cringe worthy scenes but that’s the way with television shows. In fact, it’s usually what the producers, writers and studios want with a show…something for everyone; the wider the audience the better.

But producers, writers and studios can’t always predict what the audience wants, what they would enjoy and what they would miss. It’s hard because there are sometimes millions of us and only a few of them. That’s...
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I have been familiar with the Arthurian Legend since a very young age (I was 11 years). I got to the Arthurian Legend by reading the poem Gawain and the Green Knight. Because I wanted to know more about him I read the Arthurian Legend the Welsh version - in which he has a more expand story line . As I read the Welsh version of the Arthurian Legend I came across the fair goddess-queen named Gwenhwyfar (or at least its Anglicized form of 'Guinevere'). I immediately liked her. I enjoyed reading about her as this noble, fair queen who represented the authority of Arthur's reign. The spirit of Brittia....
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Gwen has to some extent a bond with the knights of Camelot. Sir Elyan is her brother, Leon was her childhood friend, with Lancelot there is a mutual respect, Gwaine is a good friend. To me the writers are establishing that Gwen is in a way connected with them all. Guinevere is the future queen of Camelot. So the knights are bound to pledge their loyalties to her and protect her when it is needed. It will not be because of her title and their duties, but out of their respect and love for Guinevere herself.
Analysis of Roman grave reveals that York was a multicultural society

Steve Bird

Archaeologists have discovered that wealthy black Africans lived in Roman Britain in one of the country’s earliest examples of multiculturalism.

Scientific research techniques have established that a lavish grave containing a woman’s skeleton, an ivory bangle, perfume bottle, mirror and jewellery, belonged to a North African member of York’s high society in the 4th century.

Scientific analysis of isotopes from the teeth revealed that water she drank during her childhood had contained minerals likely to have...
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